Tax Preparation
세금보고에 대한 일반적인 정보를 설명한 내용입니다. 절세를 위한 세금보고의 기본은 세금보고 준비서류를 꼼꼼이 준비해서 세금보고시에 관련된 Credit과 Deduction을 통한 개인별, 사업체별 차별적인 절세전략이 무엇보다 주요합니다.
꼼꼼한 세금보고 서류준비는 더 많은 세제 혜택을 받을 수 있는 첫 걸음입니다. 납세자 여러분들의 더 많은 세금환급과 절세에 도움이 되기를 바랍니다.
Choose a Tax Preparer Wisely | 올바른 세금보고 대리인 선택 – IRS
The basic concept of tax Preparation is to deduct deductions from gross income and apply the tax rate for the year to AGI (adjusted gross income) applied with the corresponding credit. So Tax preparer, carefully preparing personal tax information, income information, deduction documents and tax credits information.
The IRS needs to know exactly who’s filing and who is covered in your tax return. To do this, you will need Social Security numbers and dates of birth for you, your spouse and dependents.
- Income from jobs: forms W-2 for you and your spouse
- Investment income—various forms 1099 (-INT, -DIV, -B, etc.), K-1s, stock option information
- Income from state and local income tax refunds and/or unemployment: forms 1099-G
- Taxable alimony received (Applicable to divorces finalized before January 1, 2019)
- Business or farming income—profit/loss statement, capital equipment information
- If you use your home for business—home size, office size, home expenses, office expenses.
- IRA/pension distributions—forms 1099-R, 8606
- Rental property income/expense—profit/Loss statement, rental property suspended loss information
- Social Security benefits—forms SSA-1099
- Income from sales of property—original cost and cost of improvements, escrow closing statement, cancelled debt information (form 1099-C)
- Prior year installment sale information—forms 6252, principal and Interest collected during the year, SSN and address of payer
- Other miscellaneous income—jury duty, gambling winnings, Medical Savings Account (MSA), scholarships, etc.
Adjustments to your income:
The following can help reduce the amount of your income that is taxed, which can increase your tax refund or lower the amount you owe.
- IRA contributions
- Student loan interest
- Medical Savings Account (MSA) contributions
- Moving expenses (for tax years prior to 2018 only for federal returns but your state might still allow it)
- Self-employed health insurance premium payments
- Keogh, SEP, SIMPLE and other self-employed pension plans
- Alimony paid that is tax deductible (Applicable to divorces finalized before January 1, 2019)
- Educator expenses
Itemized tax deductions and credits:
The government offers a number of deductions and credits to help lower the tax burden on individuals, which means more money in your pocket. You’ll need the following documentation to make sure you get all the deductions and credits you deserve.
- Child care costs—provider’s name, address, tax id, and amount paid
- Education costs—forms 1098-T, education expenses
- Adoption costs—SSN of child, legal, medical, and transportation costs
- Home mortgage interest and points you paid—Forms 1098
- Investment interest expense
- Charitable donations—cash amounts and value of donated property, miles driven, and out-of-pocket expenses
- Casualty and theft losses—amount of damage, insurance reimbursements
- Other miscellaneous tax deductions—union dues, unreimbursed employee expenses (uniforms, supplies, seminars, continuing education, publications, travel, etc.) (for tax years prior to 2018 only for federal returns but your state might still allow it)
- Medical and dental expenses
- Energy credits
you have to give basic tax return information to irs. irs must needs those information. if you do not enter those information, can’t do any next stop.
- Name | SSN | Phone # no | E-mail Address
- Address | Date of birth | Driver license
- bank information
If you have dependent, you have to give all information of them to irs.
you have to give basic tax return information to irs. irs must needs more detail information for your income, deduction and credit for your return.
- w-2, w-2 G, 1099-nec, 1099-div
- 1099-ini & oid, 1099-k, 1099-r
- 1099-s, 1099-b, 1099sa, 1099-g, k-1
If you have dependent, you have to give all information of them to irs.