30th Anniversary of ROKMC 2nd Lieutenant(July 4th, 1992)
많은 생각이 주마등 처럼 지나간다. 참~~, 열심히 살았다. 주어진 환경과 여건하에서 항상 최선을 다했다. 부족했었지만 그래도 "도덕적 용기"를 놓지 않으려 부단히 노력했었기에 아쉽지만 후회는 없다. I think I deserve to…
많은 생각이 주마등 처럼 지나간다. 참~~, 열심히 살았다. 주어진 환경과 여건하에서 항상 최선을 다했다. 부족했었지만 그래도 "도덕적 용기"를 놓지 않으려 부단히 노력했었기에 아쉽지만 후회는 없다. I think I deserve to…
I got a new golf driver when it's Father's Day gift. when I hit a ball with my old driver, Always the ball was not straight. my ball direction was…
When I stop by GAS station to fuel my car in highway I was wondering why GAS station and rest area doesn't has restaurant and shopping center looks like Korean…
I spent my vacation in Helen, GA for 1 Week. It's near from my Home and to take a rest for 1 Week is good for my stress blow up!…
I visited Folly beach, SC that is a kind of shell sand beach.When I was an active Marine officer, I served at Baengnyeong-do that has a kind of shell sand…
봄!!. 시간을 내서 뒷마당에 고추랑 가지, 호박을 심고 싶었는데,... 어설프지만 만들었다.올해도 내가 만든 고추와 상추, 가지, 호박으로 만들 음식을 기대하며,....Spring.!!!I wanted to take the time to plant peppers, eggplant, and…
KIA, NIRO is a kind of electric vehicle made in S.Korea. I've using this Electric vehicle for around 6months. It's a good conditions and good performances. Driving is good, Charging…