Gieun Kim 2nd Lieutenant

많은 생각이 주마등 처럼 지나간다. 참~~, 열심히 살았다. 주어진 환경과 여건하에서 항상 최선을 다했다. 부족했었지만 그래도 “도덕적 용기”를 놓지 않으려 부단히 노력했었기에 아쉽지만 후회는 없다.

I think I deserve to be congratulated by my family, friends and colleagues because I have done my best under the given conditions since 30 years ago.

A lot of thoughts are passing by like a flashlight.
It was not enough, but I still tried hard not to let go of the “moral courage,” so I am sorry but I have no regrets.